
Rocha Pear

Rocha Pear

Originated in Portugal, more properly the municipality of Sintra, this pear is cultivated mostly in the Oeste region.

This fruit has a predominant oblong ovate pyriform, exhibits a medium, little flexible stalk, its smooth surface light yellow, has points of russets located primarily in the apical cavity and along the stalk, and a very smooth apical cavity.

The flesh is white, soft, juicy, granulous, and fruits ready to harvest should have a hardness of pulp 5.5 to 6.5 kg / 0.5 cm2, and the refractive index should arise between the 12 and 14% (Brix).

The size is small: 50 to 70 mm, which corresponds to the weight from 80 to 150 grams.

The harvest season of this variety lies in the second half of August and it´s preservation period in good condition is about 5 months in conventional atmosphere (normal) and 7 months in controlled atmosphere.
